Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010!!!!


Ok here are my resolutions from 2009…..

1. Get to a healthy weight by 2010 of 130-140. I have lost 16 pounds since this summer but I have 60 to go! And I’m committed to doing it this year. I have been working out almost every day and watching what I’m eating. I know I have had this resolution before but this year I WILL DO IT!!!!!!!
Well I blew this one! Haha! But having a baby kinda knulled this one. However I do weigh less now then I did last year so that is good.

2. Take care of myself. I don’t just want to lose weight I want to feel good. I have had such a crummy few years with my health and I want to get it all under control! I think my weight is a good start but I have to get really healthy!!
I do feel that I have made an effort to get healthier. I eat better now than I did last year and have been trying to work out more.

3. Keep my house clean!!!! I have been doing a lot better with it but I want to keep it that way and not let it get out of hand!
I have accomplished this goal!! My house is usually clean! Sometimes it is a bit messy but not for long!

4. Save for a down payment on a house. We already have some savings but not enough so were going to be scrimping and saving as much as possible so we can own our own home!
Well life completely took a turn this year! We no longer have the money to out a down payment on a house but that’s what happens when you are unemployed, have a baby, and move clear across the country!

5. Get a raise! I have not had one for almost 3 years so I think it’s about time I get one!
Well this failed!! Haha I got a cut in pay now I get paid in drool and poop!

6. Complete my first year of collage with good grades!!
I did good in school I only got one b and that was in my accounting class. So that is great!

So this year’s resolutions are as follows:

1. Get my stomach muscles back into shape. Being stretched so much has really taken the strength out of me! Haha
2. Lose weight (I really can’t wait till this is no longer on my list)
3. Complete my AA!!
4. Step outside myself and meet people who I can be friends with
5. Find time for myself

Well I think that is about it! Happy 2010! I hope this is a better year than 2009 was!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Week 7 & 8 getting into the Holidays!

Well the past couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful. We celebrated Clover's first Thanksgiving. It was my first Thanksgiving not spent with my family so it was different for me but it was really nice. Carl and I went to Ponsdelion park in the morning and walked around on the trails. It was really nice. We then got Maddy and went to Grandma and Grandpas. We had a really nice dinner! It was a very calm day.

We went to Boca this weekend it was the first time we went out there since Clover was born. We did not go out to the Beach because we did not have ones for the parking and it was getting late. So we wondered around the town. It is so quite and peaceful there, it is the one part of Florida that I love. I could spend all my time there.

We also went to Fishermen Village to get Clover's picture with Santa. We were the first ones to see Santa. Clover gave him a huge smile it was great! She looked so cute in her little dress!

It amazes me how much Clover has changed since she was born it's been just two months but it seems like she has changed so much. She is getting much more interactive with you now. She smiles and coos a lot now. She also has started kicking here legs like crazy. She loves taking a bath and kicking away. We have gotten on a really good routine! She sleeps most nights from 9 to 6 or so some days she wakes at 3am and others she sleeps all the way through till 8. It is awesome to get to sleep all night however I think the days of restful sleep are far behind me. I think I am always listening for her so I don't really sleep soundly. It amazes me to watch Carl and her interact. I knew he would be a wonderful Father but to actually see it is amazing! She is so going to have him wrapped around her little finger that is for sure.

Since this will be our first Christmas as a real Family we have been discussing what we want to do for our holiday traditions. It's fun to think about all the things that you do with your family and what we want to do with ours. My Great Grandfather always makes this foamy drink thing for breakfast so Carl and I will be doing that and were going to have sweedish pancakes as well. We want to get a Christmas tree in a week or so. I just am hoping it will cool off so we can go and it be cold because there is just something wrong with getting a tree in shorts and a tank top! haha. I want to start baking cookies. That was always so much fun around Christmas baking cookies.

Well that is all for now...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cooling off in week 6

We camped out on the patio this week because the weather was so nice and cool. It was nice hearing the noises of the outside. We have had the house all opened up this week which is really nice! One day the high was 66!!!! How great is that. Clover actually got to wear warm clothes. I love it when the weather is like that it makes living here not so horrible. We went to the park this weekend and it’s funny how with the change of weather brings out people. All summer there was maybe 2 other people at the park. This weekend there was 30 people there so Maddy did not get to run around.

This week we went to Lashly park in Punta Gorda, to see the traveling Vietnam memorial wall. It was really interesting to go see it. It is amazing how many people gave their lives for our country. I am thankful for all the people who have made this sacrifice and the people who have served. It is a very noble thing to do and those people do not get enough respect and support.

Week 6 was a pretty good week! We had just finished up a weekend of SCREAMING and being completely out of sorts so it was nice to get things back on track this week. I took Clover to the doctor this week for her 1 month check up. She is 10 pounds 1 ounce! She is measuring tall and has a BIG head thanks to her Clapp genes! Haha! The results of her genetic testing came back and she does NOT have MCAD or any other of the genetic disorders they test for. So that is wonderful! We also got the go ahead for sleeping all night! So far we still have one middle of the night feeding. I am hoping in the next couple weeks she will go all night sleeping. (Diana I feel for you! I do not know how you have done it for so long!! You totally ROCK!) She got her Hep B shot as well. She has a hemangioma on her back, it started off as what looked like a pinch on her and it has gotten worse. It is about the size of the tip of my finger and getting bumpy. The nurse said it was normal and it should go away with in a year or so. No let me tell you just take a doctors word for things don’t go doing your own research! Haha! I went on the computer and looked it up and thoroughly freaked myself out! Some of them get HUGE!! I just hope hers stays small. They don’t do anything to them tell they are older because they are so vascular. SO luckily it is on her back and can be covered up. So all in all everything is good with the little monster.

I have decided that I hate not knowing where I am. After the doctor Clover and I needed to go to the post office and stop by to see Aunt Julie at the dive shop. I knew that both those things were near each other but it took me a good 25 minutes to find them both. Egh… I miss knowing where I am. But I am trying to get the hang of it the best I can. Thank god for GPS! Haha.

Well that is all for week 6 on to week 7………

Reflecting on week 5....

Week 5 of this adventure in motherhood was pretty uneventful. I started school this week so that really sucked all my free time. I had been able to take a shower and clean a bit when the monster was napping but now it seems like 9pm rolls around and I am still in my Pajamas and the house is in an ever increasing state of disorder. I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and work on myself and the house during the day then stay up late to work on homework. I hate to do that because then I am just exhausted. Like last night I stayed up until eleven working on homework. I fed her at 9:30 so I set my alarm for 3:00 so I would get up to feed her 6 ½ hours is as long as I want to let her go until we talk to the pediatrician again. I just don’t know if it is ok to let her sleep longer than that. Normally she wakes up on her own around that time so it has not been an issue. But last night I was so tired that I do not even remember turning my alarm off. I woke up at 5am because she was starting to wake up so 8 ½ hours!! So I was worried that she went so long and I figured she would eat a lot. But she was too busy taking a crap and fussing to eat. So I tried the bottle because with that I can tell how much she ate. But she still was not interested. She does not seem to be any different than normal so I put her down and got her back up at 7:00 she ate for 5 mins and then was out like a light. We shall see how she does here in a little bit. If she was acting weird I would be worried but she is fine just maybe a little sleepier than normal. I worry because we have not gotten the results of the MCAD but I would assume that they would have notified us if something was wrong. The joys of motherhood the constant state of worry!!

We celebrated Clover’s 1st Halloween this weekend. It was really nice to have all of the family over to share the evening with us. I made all kinds of neat stuff and we had pizza. Grandma came in a fabulous which hat! Clover was a Giraffe, Carl and I did not dress up this year. Normally we do but I just did not feel like it. It was odd having Halloween without my niece and nephew. My house has been the place to be for Halloween for the past 3 years and I always have them over so they can trick or treat. I have had my moments of truly missing my family and California and Halloween was one of those times. I think I just realized that the holidays are coming and I won’t see any of them for it. Not only will I not see them but they are missing all of Clover’s firsts. They have already missed so much… I do like it here. Carl and I have a much better relationship. I am not stressed like I was. Our house is wonderful. But I do miss California. I miss my family most of all. I have spent my whole life having them right there and now they are not. It makes it hard but I know it will make me a stronger more independent person. Unfortunately, even though I know that in my head my heart does not believe it.

Anyways lets move on from my downer daisy mood. The weather is cooling off and not so humid so that is fantastic!! I truly hate the weather here! If it was less humid and cooler with a breeze like it is today it would not be so bad, but it seems that is not the norm for this place. We have started to get the snow birds back. Carl has had a few run ins with them and he has decided he hates old people hahaha! What a cheerful boy. I hope this cool weather lasts because Fort Myers is having the sand castle competition this weekend. I would love to go see it!! But we are at the mercy of the weather for miss Clover.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week Three barf..........Week Four shit.....

Well I'am waiting for my dumb computer guy to fix my computer so figured I should use this time to update everyone. I want to try to write something once a week so we shall see how that goes.

So last week we had our first real barf! It was kind of scary to see your kid shoot barf out her mouth and nose! We both had barf all over us and the best thing I could think to do was to get us both into the shower. So that's just what we did. It actually was really cool. She loves being held in the shower! She touches the water and just hangs out then falls fast asleep. I got her out of the shower and wrapped her up in a big pink towel! She looked so cute! I would post pics. but my computer is being fixed and i am on Carls. So no pics. in this post. So the first barf was not that bad. We ended up just hanging out in our towels for a good hour.

This week we had a massive shit explosion!! She managed to shoot poop all over the dresser, wall, carpet, blow dryer, changing pad, me, her, and Poor Maddy. So that was a blast! haha! We had to wash everyone ad everything. It used to gross me out to change my niece and nephues diapers but now I don't mind. I was covered in poop and it wasent gross just another one of those things you have to deal with. It's funny how your perspective changes when you have a kid.

I have come to the relazation that you can not expect to accomplish anything during one day. It seems that everyday just flys by and I get maybe half of what I wanted to do done and thats on a good day. I really hope that gets better! I do miss having my house totally cleaned but I know that there are more important things to be done!

All in all things have been going really well!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pushing into October 3rd 2009

The day before my daughter was born was absolutely perfect. My sister had flown out on the day before. So we had gotten up early went to the park with Maddy. The weather here was actually really nice for a couple days. We had opened up the entire house it was wonderful to have the breeze flowing through the house. After the park we headed to the beach!! It was so wonderful! I had been having contractions off and on Since Weds. So floating in the water was just perfect! As we swam around Carl spotted a Manta ray it was so cool! It was really big then a few minutes later a baby one swam by. Tarron and I walked the shore of the beach to help get things a moving in the labor department. We saw a neat purple, green, and shinny fish. It was just one of those days where you sit back and say wow this is just Wonderful. We had lunch and my contractions had started back up again. Tarron asked me if I felt ok because she did not think I looked to good. She said she new at lunch that things were happening.

We headed home and when I got in the shower is when the contractions really started to get strong it was about 2 o’clock. I got a little panicky because things were really happening! Contractions are not too bad it was when they got so strong that no matter what I did it did not make them better. I tried to sleep but that was futile. Finally at 2 in the morning we decided to go to the hospital.

When we got there they got me a wheel chair and to the labor and delivery floor we went. I was having lots of contractions and the nurse asked my name and information in the middle of one and Carl answered for me. Boy did that nurse give Carl the look of death. So I was huffing and puffing through the contraction and answering her questions. We got into our room and I was dilated to 4cm! I don’t understand the logic behind our labor hospitals! As soon as I got in the room they strapped me down and would not let me get up! I had to pee several times and the nurse would get all mad at me for getting up! That and laying down made the contractions feel a million times worse! After awhile the epidural doctor came in and the evil nurse had me sit up and undid my gown. I had left my sports bra on and the doc said it had to come off. Which I was fine with. But the nurse was all grumpy and practically ripped it off my head! Then shoved my face into her boobs! Got the epidural and was able to sleep a bit. They checked me again and I was at 7cm. I asked everyone what time they thought the baby would be here and they said 10 and 9 and Carl said 9:36! We continued to wait I tried to sleep here and there. Then the doctor came in and checked me again he said I was at 9cm and decided to break my water. Then when the nurse checked me a short while later I was fully dilated and ready to push. You know that queasy feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when something scary, amazing, and exciting is about to happen. I got that! I keep saying over and over again in my head this is really happening! I felt just like I did before my wedding! It was just so unreal. I was crying because I was not sure if I was really ready for all of this. I was so glad that Carl, my sister, and Mama J were all there. I can’t imagine being all alone! So the nurse had Carl and Tarron hold my legs and had me start pushing. Now I will tell you that pushing is so much work it’s not even funny! So I started to push while the nurse disassembled the bed and got ready to deliver the baby. There was so much commotion going on in the room. I could not catch my breath or concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing! It was so hard! I just keep trying to listen to Carl and do what he told me to do! The thing that got me through it all was hearing the excitement in his voice when she started to make her grad appearance! See I kept my eyes closed the whole time! I don’t know why I think it was because I could see my reflection in the big bright lights above me and I really did not want to see any of that business haha! So I was thinking that she was way farther out than she was. I could not catch my breath because my legs were up to my head!! So I was exhausted and just done with the whole thing. I kept asking them to just pull her out!! But no one would listen to me!! Apparently her head was not even out yet haha! So I tried my best to keep pushing when they told me to. I could hear Carl’s excitement grow with every push and that kept me going. I knew I must have been doing something right when everyone got super excited! I remember Carl saying he could see her head. Then finally she came out!!! Now one would think that the worst part was over and you could breath. Nope! They kept my legs up at my head for what seemed like forever! Then you have to push out the placenta. Which is really gross! Once that was out it felt a little better, but yet again the worst part was not over. There was so much commotion. I saw Carl standing by his daughter. The look on his face was priceless! I have never seen so much joy and just true excitement on his face. It made me feel better knowing that I must have done something right.

They put my legs in the stirrups so that helped and let me breath. Then I realized how sweaty I was!! Egh.. It felt so gross!! I heard this sloshing noise and I thought that it was blood on the floor that the doctor was sloshing around in. Everyone laughed at me and told me no! Then the doctor said he needed to give me some shots and stitch me up! That right there freaked me out!!!! All I could think was that I was wrecked forever. I saw my stomach which looked completely hideous!!! And then he gave me some shot in a place you should never need to get a shot!! Haha! I had a second degree tear! I kept asking how bad it was then I freaked and started to cry because I knew I would be wrecked forever and ugly! It is amazing the range of emotions that you go through when you give birth. I decided then that I was done and wanted to go home! The doctor kept telling me I couldent that I needed to be stitched up. He then proceeded to tell me he could close it all up and I said go for it! I never want to do that again!!!! I could care less at that point! I hurt so bad and was so tired all I wanted to do was to go home and all the doctor kept doing was sewing which is a really sick feeling!! Egh… shutters! So finally I got to see my daughter and she was so fat and scrunched up that all I could think and say was sumo baby. She had dark hair and blue eyes weighed 9 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches. Oh and she was born at 9:36am!! Carl called it exactly to the minute!

Giving birth is one of the hardest things you can physically do, and mentally it is just as hard. You have so many feelings that it is hard to put them into words. All I know is this is just the beginning of my new life as a women, wife, mother, and friend.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 38 and trying to keep my chin up.....

Well this week has been lame! I was truely hoping that at my appointment on Tuesday the doc would say I was dilated and things would get a move on. But that is not the case! No dilation what so ever! I also was feeling awful and shaky on Monday and Tuesday. Well I have alot of sugar in my pee. The doctor thinks its because I have not been eating enough. So I need to eat every three hours to keep my blood sugar level even. So I have been doing that and still not feeling alot better. I'm just so tired and have no desire to get things done! I have a math and history final and I just don't want to do it! So I am trying to get things done because hopefully she will be on her way soon! I have an appointment on Weds along with our last birth class. So I will keep you all posted....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

37 Weeks....scared, nervous, ect....

Well we have finally made it to full term! I can't believe all that has happened in the past 37 weeks! Life has had its ups and downs that is for sure! Now that we could be having our little girl any day now I am so terrified. I am not scared of being a mother. I am scared of having her... I guess its just the unknown. That and there is so much still to do! I want to get her room done before she comes home but I have to depend on other people (carl cough cough) haha and its not getting done as fast as Iwould like! I know I am just being rediculas and hormonal but its driving me crazy! I have been having cramps and braxton hicks contractions and just not feel all that great! My sister thinks that I will have her the week after next. So we shall see. Any votes?

We have our baby shower with the Joseph family this weekend which will be really nice!!! I'm so thankful that they have all excepted me into the family with such open arms. I know before Carl and I got married I used to be so worried that they would not like me! It seems so silly now! haha!

I will keep you all posted as to any changes.

Oh I am making a list of people to call. It will ither be my sister calling you or Mama J. Carl and I are going to turn our phones off so you will get up dates they will just be from someone else! haha!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Still adjusting into week 35....

Well, It has been awhile since I have updated. Well let’s start with the Minkey. We went to the doc yesterday and all was well! She is no longer breeched so that is good! She is still up higher so she has not dropped yet so no baby anytime soon. We had a non-stress test and it went good she is doing great. They tried to do an ultrasound and as usual she would not cooperate!!!! They could not get the measurements they needed so we don’t know what size she is. I don’t think they will change my due date because I don’t see how it would change because I know when I got pregnant. The only thing I can see them doing is inducing me earlier than my due date if she is really big. So we shall see. We go back next Tuesday for another ultrasound. So other than horrible heartburn and being completely uncomfortable all is well with us!

We have officially been in Florida for over a month. The trip here was ruff but I am so glad we made the trip when we did. I don’t think I would be very happy if we had to make that same trip now. We’re still getting settled in but for the most part we have the house pretty much settled in. There still things we need to get like a vacuum, shelves, and a work bench for Carl, but we are getting there. Carl needs to make the Minkey’s crib, he has been painting the dresser we got at the thrift store. So hopefully we will have her room done real soon!

I am still adjusting to living in Florida, but it is getting easier. I don’t have as many down days as I did when we first got here. I still miss California but not as much as I thought I was going to. I miss the cool summer evenings!! It never gets cool here so that is annoying but as long as my AC continues to work I can’t complain too much. The bugs are something else and I could totally live without them!! I am sick of being itchy, but I think there is not much I can do about it. I do miss my sister, niece, and nephew a lot! I think it’s because the kids change so much and I have always been a part of their lives and now I can’t be there for all the little things that they are doing. That makes me continually sad but I know that as long as I keep calling them and sending pictures they won’t forget me. I think that is what bothers me the most is that Emerson is so young and she may not remember me. I don’t want to become that person in Florida that we are related to. So that is still hard.

I have been keeping myself busy with getting the house settled and working on my school work. I am trying my best to get ahead on my work since I won’t be done with school basically until my due date. I want to be able to have it all done that way when I do have her I won’t lose points for late assignments.

Maddy has been adjusting as well. It’s hard on her because she is used to going to work everyday and now she is home all the time. I feel bad for her because she misses being able to go with me everywhere. She also does not have any dog friends here like she did in California. I hope once it gets cooler we can go to the dog park. She has been depressed and sleeping a lot so I try to do as much as I can with her. We take her to Petco and the park so that all helps. I want to take her to the Dog Beach but it has not worked out.

So all in all we are doing well!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Click Click....24 weeks

24 week foot I tinted it so it was easier to see
24 week foot

24 week face head on

24 week head on

Alright so this took me awhile to post! haha! We went last week for our 4th ultra sound. This time baby Minkey cooperated only to show us her back. Other than that she would not budge! She was hunkered down really low and would not move despite the ultra sound tech many attempts. All we really needed was the back so she called it good. The tech. said everything looked good! So that is a huge relief! I'm glad to have that done!

In other news... the hose we had put an offer an and it had been accepted fell through this week. The people who own it are n "pre-forclosure" and have been for a year now. They have left the cuntry and could care less if the place sells. So they will not turn the water and electricity back on. So we decided it was going to be more trouble than it was worth and we resended our offer. SO the search is on..... I found one that looked eally nice turned out to be a pot grow house! haha! It had alt of interest and the financing for it would be a nightmare so we nixed that one. There was another one our relator kept pushing so we took another look at it and he was right with a little work the place will be nice! So we put an offer in on that one and should hear by weds. SO fingers crossed!! Buying a house is a crappy business!! Yo find something you finally like and then you don't get it. It's s discourageing! I think that is all for last week. We are still packing and prepareing for our move.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week 23 Update

Went to the doctor this morning. The doctor said everything seemed ok. She did not have an explanation for the bleeding other than these things sometimes happen. So it's 2 weeks of bedrest for me! Hurray fun fun! haha! I have my baby shower this weekend, so that will be nice!I have an ultrasound next weeks so we will get to see the Minkey agian.I will let you all know if anything changes!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week 22 ER Visit!

I started to bleed ALOT last night! Blood was every where and Carl and I freaked out! We got dressed as fast as we could and headed to the ER. They were great I have waited for 8 hours to be seen but with this they took me right in to Labor and Delivery! They checked to see if my water broke and felt my cervix. All was good there. The blood was not nearly what it was when we were at home. So they hooked me to the monitors and the baby was going strong and no contractions. So they had an ultrasound tech come in and check me out. Everything looked fine on the ultrasound. So they kept me over night the bleeding is now just spotting. So they let me go and told me I needed to be on bed rest till I see my doctor. I have no idea what happened and they have no insight either. So that is the latest update I will keep you all posted as to any more information. Hopefully I can get in to see my doctor tomorrow and have some answers.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Kick Kicking into week 22

My Belly at 22weeks! Baby Minkey's face

Baby Minkeys profile while sucking her hand

Profile (isent she so cute!)

Still a GIRL!

We had our second ultrasound Tuesday. Everything looked good but once agian they could not get a good view of her back so we have to go back in two weeks. The Ultrasound lady said that the legs, arms , and head all measure normal so she is not worried about the back but they have to be able to see it. So everything is good with the little girl and yes it's still a girl! haha! I go in two weeks for my gluose test it is a litte early but my doctor wanted me to have it done before we leave so if I have any diabetic issues we will know the end of the month. The Minkey has bee kicking a lot this week and Carl even got to feel her! I can watch her kicks onthe outside of my stomach its weird! haha

Our huse is offically for rent!! We have asign in the front yard so hopefully someone will want it soon!! The landlord was saying they are hving a problem with people stealing there listings and posting them on creigs list for rediculasly cheap. They post the addresesses and everything. Then people are going to these houses and demanding that they can rent them. It's not good! So hopefully that will not happen to us!

All in all this has been a productive week! Happy Birthday Mama J! Hope you had fun at the Glen Beck Comedy show!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Week 21 working hard or hardly workin.....

Well this week has just been a VORTEX of time. I can't even believe that it is already Saturday! Carl and I did not come home from Big Bear until Tuesday so maybe that is why this week has flown by!

I had to get my final for Ethics done this week. That was a challenge and a half, but finally I finished it! I’m officially done with school until July 27th so that is good. I will have more time to do all the things that need to get done!

I called this week to get an appointment with a OBGYN in Florida. Mama J gave me some recommendations for doctors. The one she recommended was Dr. Domingo. I called his office first. The receptionist was kind of confused and was unsure if they would take me. After a long conversation she then changed her tune completely and said that it would be no problem! Hahaha…… So I have an appointment for the 28th of July with them. Because the receptionist was kinda iffy about the whole situation I thought I ought to call some of the other doctors and see what they say. Well all the other ones Mama J recommended were no longer delivering babies. So there was another doctor that a girl on a group I am on recommended. So I called that office. The receptionist was so mean that I just hung up on her! She was lecturing me about not receiving prenatal care till my 30th week. I kept telling her I have received prenatal care my entire pregnancy thank you very much. But she kept going on and on and I thought I don’t need this crap so click went the phone. Hahaha!! So I hope Dr. Domingo is good because it looks like I don’t have many options for an OB. Egh….

We are calling the baby the Minkey, it is fitting because my sisters kid is the bug and Abby was the bean so the Minkey is different! My Dad calls her Dingus but Carl dose not like that so we settled on the Minkey. You got to call her something instead of her all the time. So that is cool. She is moving a lot the past few days! It is so cool! She still has not moved for Carl but hopefully soon she will!

All and all things are good next week I have an Ultrasound on the 2nd and a Doctor appointment on the 1st.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Week 20 at the Lake

Well I have been so busy lately that I haven’t been able to post on here! We have started packing for our move to Florida and that seems to take up a lot of time! We went to Home Depot and bought a bunch of boxes. Carl has used the most on his Gun room! He never believes me when I tell him that he has A LOT of stuff!!! We also took all the pictures off the walls so Carl could fill all the little holes from the nails. The house looks really empty!

I have been working away on my school work, but with the move and working a bit for my Dad I just don’t have the time. My current classes are finished May 31st and after them I’m going to take a break! This will allow me to focus on the things that I need to get done before we move. I will start back up July 27th and that class will end September 27th which will give me a month off when the baby comes. So that works out well for me.

This week I have been at my Grandma’s all week. Last weekend we had a memorial for my late Great Uncle Norm. It was really nice. Then I came up with my Grandma in Big Bear and have been up here all week. It has been really nice but I miss Carl SO much! We have never spent this much time apart! I can’t wait for him to come up tomorrow morning! Maddy has missed him a lot too(well in between swims in the lake that is).

The little Monkey is doing good. She has started kicking but anytime I or anyone else for that matter puts there hand on my belly she stops kicking. I have a heart monitor and I wanted my Grandma to hear her heart. So I found it and zoom she runs away, I would find it again and zoom she runs away. It was too funny! I am definitely starting to show and already feeling kinda squished. I will get pictures up soon!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week 18...It's a GIRL!

Well today was the big day, we got to see our little bean! I was convinced it was a boy and was really shocked when they said it was a girl! I have always wanted a girl and so it's great but I still am surprised!! We also already have a girl name all locked down so that is great too! However, the name is a stay tuned for that news! haha! The ultrasound went well! We got to see her heart beating away and her little feet! The only problem they had was that they couldn’t see her full back because she was bent over. So we have to go back in 4 weeks to scan her again. But the lady said all looked good!

My doctor’s appointment also went well. They had the results of my blood tests for downs and cyctifibrosis (spelling?). They were both negative!!!! So that is good news! The heart sounded good and she is happy with my progress. So all in all we had a great day.

I’m still not feeling really good. My nose is still stuffy and I’m coughing! I feel better but still crummy! So hopefully I will be all better soon!! I’m real tired of feeling crummy! Here are all the ultrasound pictures and one of the belly today.

18 week Belly
Profile Picture

Face and hands

It's a Girl!!

This one is my favorite her little feet!


She was in a ball and would not move!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dr. Appointment

I went to see the General Practicioner this afternoon. He took a swab of my throat and will let us know if it is the swine flu but he highly doubts it! So that is good. He gave me a percription for Azithromycin. I looked online and it looks like it will be safe for me to take it. He also said to gargle with salt water, and not to expect to be better for 3-4 days! and to make sure I keep up my fluids!

So hopefully I will feel better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feel like rolling in the mudd??

So Sunday night I was stressed out over my homework because I did not understand it. I was talking to Carl and told him that I felt all tight like I needed to jump out of my body. He said I was stressed. My throat was kinda a little sore but I did not think anything of it! Well Monday morning I HAD the FLU!!!!! Sore throat, achie, runny nose, sneezing.......... So my hypocondriac of a Father is all worried that I have Swine Flu. I told him that I don't have any urges to roll in the mudd hahaha!

I had a fever last night so Carl stuck me in a cold bath......egh........ it was so awful I was shaking so bad. Then puking and shaking not fun!!! haha! Finally around 2am my fever broke and I was hot instead of cold. haha.

I talked to my OBGYN today because I have a check up appointment tomorrow. She said that what I did was just what I needed to do just keep the Tylonal up around the clock. No fever today! Then she called me back like 10 mins. later. And said we need to reschedule you for next week. lol.... everyone is so scared of the swine flu. and she says I need to go to my general practitioner. So I have an apt. for 3:30. I don't think it is nessasary to go becasue they can't do anything, but figured be safer than sorry.

So we shall see what he has to say. I haven't been coughing and that is the tell tell sign of this pig flu. Since I haven't been to Mexico or even out in public much I HIGHLY doubt I have it. Man people are freaking out over it though.........

Let ya all know what the doc says.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Emotional Week 16

So I have had some time this week to think about our impending move. I know that the next year is going to be filled with highs and lows. Things are going to change but I hope that they are going to change for the better. It is so hard to change your life so dramatically but I think this is something that Carl and I need to do. We have spent the past 5 years of our lives together doing the same thing. Working for the same company, fighting over the same things, stressing over the same things and now it’s time for that to change. It’s time for me to grow up and become the women and mother that I want to be. I have always been able to rely on my family for anything that I need. I know I will have family in Florida as well, which is reassuring. I just have spent the last 21 years of my life with these people and it is hard to move away from them. It’s hard to think of my life without them there. However, I think it might be a good thing. I will have to be stronger and more independent than I would ever be here. So that is good. I’m also sad that my Mom and Sister most likely won’t be there for the birth of our child. I wish we could wait until after we have the baby to move but the longer we put this off the harder it will be. I just hope that my family does not go as these unknown people to my baby.

Anyways this week the kid is the size of an Avocado. I think maybe I have been feeling it move but I’m not sure. It hard to tell and I don’t know what I am looking for. My dang hip has been killing me Carl’s doctor is going to adjust it again so that should help. I can tell my belly is getting bigger because it’s already becoming harder to do things. I haven’t been getting those sharp pains as much but still get them now and then. I have been extremely emotional but I think that is partially because of my hormones and partially because of moving. I found a group of mom’s that meet up once a week in Port Charlotte. This will be nice for me to get to meet people with kids and hopefully make some new friends.

So that is about it for this week.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week 15 & 16 Turmoil

Ok this is a crummy pictures but hey it's a picture. This is from week 14.

Ok sorry I missed last week’s post. Things have just been so stressful here. Carl and I have been talking about what we are going to do. As you all know things here have not been so good financially! Carl has been talking to his Dad and he tells him that he could get work there no problem and that housing is very inexpensive in Florida. So we have been talking it over and have decided that financially moving to Florida is the best option for us right now. It’s really not ideal moving at this time in my life but you got to do what you got to do.

I have done my research and if we move there I “should” be able to qualify for Medicaid which will cover having the baby. I also found out that my current health plan has contracted hospitals there in Florida! Can you say woooooooo hooooooo!!! Haha. I have been so stressed and worried about health insurance. So as long as my Dad can pay for the health insurance than we are ok, I can pay for my health insurance it’s only 220.00 a month. That is a totally do able amount! My health insurance policy is awesome there is a 1500 dollar deductable and once that is met EVERYTHING is covered!!!! So I’m really glad about that news! Good good…..

So I talked to my family today, and it went a lot better than I thought. They are sad which is totally to be expected. I have always been around and now during this life changing time I’m moving away. But they both understand that sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.

Carl and I have decided on a time line for moving with two scenarios which I’m still thinking about. So we will give it till July, see how things are going here if come July things have not turned around then we will Definitely be moving to Florida. If things are going really well and look like they will keep going that way then we may wait till after we have the baby. Unfortunately we have a lease that is up in September. This is a problem because if we break the lease we will have to pay for cleaning the house, cleaning the carpet, and any paint that needs to be done. We also would have to pay for rent until the house is rented out and pay for the rental companies 800.00 fee. However, I think if the shit hit the fan our landlord would work out a payment plan with us. I just don’t want to wreck our credit. So if we move in July we will pay our rent for July then August’s rent will be covered by our deposit. We still have to have the house cleaned and the carpets it’s in our lease but at least that way our credit is ok and I think it would cost less.

So I don’t know I scared and nervous about moving just because it is unknown. I keep running things through my head. What happens if I can’t handle the heat there and start passing out? How will I care for a baby? What happens if my endometriosis comes back and I can’t function? I just don’t want to hurt our baby. I don’t know….. It’s just scary!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sliding into the second trimester week 14

Well I FINALLY made it to the coveted second trimester! Wooo Hooo!! I can’t believe that I’m 1/3 the way through my pregnancy! I really hope I start to feel better and can start doing more. These weird pains are pretty miserable. They are not there all day just some times. My nausea has been better still sick here and there but not like it was before! I was able to dye my hair this week thank goodness! It looked horrible!! Haha!

The bean is the size of a flip phone this week. They say you can start feeling flutters now but so far nothing. I can’t wait to feel it move. I will get a belly picture this weekend. My belly feels huge to me but when I look in a mirror it’s not that big haha!

Carl and Maddy are good. Were going to do Easter eggs tomorrow and make frog eye salad.

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pains in week 13

Alright so the beginning of this week was not so good! Saturday I got these really sharp pains in my abdomen. I had been up cleaning and doing stuff. So I decided that I should lay down. I rested the rest of the evening with the pain coming and going. Sunday the pain was the same if I got up as long as I stayed down the pain went away. Monday I took a shower and the pain was really bad super sharp! So I decided to call my doctor to see if maybe there was something wrong. They said if it was really bad go to the ER or if there is bleeding. I decided it was not really bad and no bleeding so figured I shouldn’t worry too much! I stayed in bed Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday it felt better no pain at all. Today I had some pain this morning, but not too bad.

SO I had my doctor’s appointment this morning. We heard the heart beat which is always cool. She said that the pain was probably round ligament pain or endometriosis scar tissue being pulled. She said as long as no bleeding and the pain is not severe not to worry! I have lost weight since my last appointment but that due to the crazy sickness haha! Which is now better but not gone! We got scheduled for some more blood work. I also have an anatomy scan on the 5th of May! We will hopefully get to find out if it’s a boy or girl! That is so exciting! So all in all things are good with the bean!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yack yack yack week 12

Well this week has been pretty crummy! I was sick last week with the stomach flu I think? This week I'm thinking it is morning sickness from hell! I had been so sick couldn’t keep anything down for a few days. I finally broke down and called my doctor. She called in a prescription for nausea medicine. I took it and it totally knocked me out! I really don’t like it at all! Especially since this week I have so much to do. This is my final week for this block of classes. Normally I am ahead of the schedule but being pregnant has really put a crimp in things. So I have to get my final projects done this week. Luckily I felt better yesterday and got some work done and today I’m a little sick to my stomach but not bad enough to take the medicine. So I have gotten my English final done! Whoo hoo!! All I have left is my Accounting final to do! This makes me feel better!

Carl got me sea bands I had been looking for them but could not find them anywhere and of course Carl walks right over to them! hahaha I don’t know if they are helping of not but I’m going to wear them just in case! They are bracelets (look like 80’s workout sweat bands) with these plastic things that push on your wrist apparently there is a pressure point that helps with nausea.

I finished the book the Host! It is a really good book it was written by the author of the Twilight Series Stephenie Myers. I definitely recommend it to all of you guys!!

The bean this week is the size of a large lime. I also got to hear the heart beat twice on my fetal Doppler. So that was way cool. I will record it and post it when I get a chance!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Squeezin into week 11

Baby belly at 10 weeks it's small but it's there!

Well this weekend I finally broke down and bought a pair of maternity pants and a new bra!! No one tells you how horrible maternity pants are shish!! My pant’s fit they just squish the belly too much when I sit and since I sit all week long at work it seems there is no point in putting off the inevitable. So my friend Ashley and I went on the hunt for pants. Got a couple bras at Kohl’s, I did not realize how big my boobs had gotten! I had to buy D’s!! I can’t even imagine how much bigger they are going to get egh… I saw DDD bra’s that I swear were bigger than my head hahaha! So Kohl’s does not have a maternity section. Went to Target and those prospects here just horrible! So I broke down and went to the maternity store at the mall. I found 2 pairs of cargo type pants that do the job! I feel so much better with a bra and pants that are not crushing me! Whoo hoo!! Hahaha!

So baby bean this week weighs as much as two sugar packets you get at restaurants. If it’s a girl or a boy it’s parts are all there but it’s still too early to be able to see what it is now. I picked up a fetal heart monitor and have not had luck hearing the heart beat. Hoping this week we will be able to hear it.

My morning sickness is better but still not totally gone. I’m hoping it will be gone soon, I’m starting to feel better overall more energy. So hopefully this week I will be able to get my house cleaned and laundry done!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Finallly FINALLY there MOVING OUT!!!

Ok so I'm not one to whine! and talk about people behind there back. I have been pretty reserved about not talking about our roomate but I just can't be a better person any more! haha!

So friends of ours were having problems and were trying to get moved back to Hawaii. We had an extra room with just my craft stuff in it so we offred them a place to stay. They figured out that if her husband went to Hawaii he could get a job there and make good money. She has a cat that is really OLD and coker spanial dog. Well in order to go to Hawaii you have to have a bunch of tests and stuff done other wise they quarintine the animals for 6 months at $25.00 a day. So she was going to stay here and get her pets taken care of.

So they waited till the very last minute to clean out there apartment. Her husband was up untill 4 AM the day there lease was up. They were hell bent in getting there deposit back it was about $2,000.00 I think. So he cleaned there apartment and finished moving on October 31st. They had to replace the carpet in there apartment because it was so discusting!! So they ended up oweing like $300.00. When they moved stuff over to our house they put a ton of it in the garage. (Carl is a freak about his garage he works in it all the time and keeps it really clean so it was really buggin him that the stuff was in there) So we figured they just needed time to get settled in. So we did not make an issue out of anything. Her husband was leaving on the 10th or so of November.

Once agian her husband waited till the last minute to do anything. The day before he was suposed to leave the garage was still full of stuff! So Carl asked them to get it out of his garage and they did. He also waited to the last minute to sell his van. Which the money from that was going to buy him a car in Hawaii. So the guy who was suposed to buy the van did not have all the money to buy it. But becasue he waited till the last minute he dident have anyone else to buy it so he gave the guy the van and worked out a payment plan of 1 month to get the rest to him.

So he got to Hawaii and rented a car for a month to get back and forth. He also did not want to start his new job becasue he dident have a car. What I don't get is that he was renting a car? but still couldent work? Anyways the guy he was staying with has a ranch and so he works for him to off set his rent.

Mean while she is living with us. I tired to include her in Dinners and stuff but most the time she was in her room. She worked weird hours so we dident see her much. She would leave for work at 2AM so me being nice told her I would let her dog out when we get up. So everytime I did her dog would PEE on my floor. (now maddy had barfed on the floor once because she couldent make it to the tile she tried though and she peed once becasue she got in big trouble for getting into the trash the carpets were spot less) It was getting to be rediculas. Then she also wouldent clean up the pee spots I would be walking around my house and step in pee. egh.... that was the worst thing! There was plenty of other stuff dishes not being washed, doors being left unlocked, never helping clean anything!! Just alot of inconsiderate stuff.

Carl and I have basiclly hid out in our room for the past 4 months! It's rediculas that we don't like coming home! Our house always smells and it's just annoying to be at home!

Well they are leaving tomorrow!!! I'm so exited I can't even tell you!! After being so sick this morning from the smell of there discuting coffee I can't wait for them to be gone! AHHHH!!! I'm jumping with joy to finally have my home back.

Were going to have to have the carpets cleaned to get rid of all the pee stains and probably paint the bedroom and door since the stupid dog scratched the crap out of the door.

I know that Carl and I are NEVER EVER EVER going to offer to have someone live with us EVER AGIAN!!! This was the worst experience ever and I finally understand the saying no good deed goes unpunished!!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Stressin into week 10

Well this weekend was nice we went to Big Bear to help my Grandmother. She needed some things fixed around the house so Carl helped her out. We also told her about the baby! She was so excited! We played in the snow up there and Maddy had a balst!
This week the bean is going to be the size of a plum and looking more and more like a human instead of a sea monkey. I have still been having boughts with morning sickness which is never fun!
This week is looking like it will be a stressful one! Egh...! It's not looking like Carl and I are going to get paid anytime soon! So I filled for unemployment today. We told my Dad that were giving him till the end of the week then we have to decide what were going to do. This all is just so much to deal with right now! I don't want to move right now! My health insurance just changed and nothing is covered till our decuctable of 1500 is met then it's 100% covered. So I went to the doctor last week and I know were going to have to pay all of that. And if we can't work any more than there goes that money becasue we won't have the insurance. We have bills to pay on the 15th and other bills and rent on the 1st which is niot too far off.
I'm worried that our baby will not be taken care of because we don't have insurance! I'm worried about getting new jobs. About moving... how were going to take care of this litte bean? All I can do is CRY!
I'm looking into selling some of my stuff. I have a wii which I know I can sell. I also have some China that is a family set but it's worth quite a bit so I'm thinking about selling it. I just wish there was more I can do!
I'm so scared of what the future brings! I just want to know already what is going to happen!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Seeing is believing week 9

Well today was the big day. We went to the doctor this morning for our first doctor appointment. Carl came with me which was great. I was so NERVOUS I was just afraid it would be bad news!! So I had to fill out a TON of paper work and then we went back to the exam room. Carl being the 3 year old he is had to play with the exam light. LOL!! Finally the doctor came in and asked more questions. Then we did the ultrasound! And there it was!! Our little bean!

We heard the heart beat and everything!

Were right on track nine weeks and a due date of October 5th! It makes this all seem so much more real! I’m just so relieved that everything is ok and in its right place. I had blood drawn and need to set up another appointment that will check for down syndrome. We got this goodie bag from the doctor with all kinds of stuff in it. Then we met my Dad for lunch which was nice.

I’m going to start telling my friends as I see them. I bought some fortune cookies that say “Expect a bundle of joy the end of September” I’m giving these to a few friends and I’m mailing some to family who don’t know yet. We’re going to Big Bear this weekend and I’m going to tell my grandma then!

So exciting!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Feeling better in week 8

Well after last week’s bought with the flu and morning sickness, I'm starting to feel better! Thank goodness!!!

I have been working this week which is a pain because I have to get caught up on all the work that has piled up!

Carl has been busy this week working in Anza on a couple barns and working for his doctor.

As for me the morning sickness is manageable! I still get the dry heaves now and then but it’s not that bad. My doctor appointment is in one week (March 4th) and I’m so excited for that. I think I’m starting to get a little belly. I used to be able to suck it in, but there is no sucking it in any more haha! My clothes still fit fine so that is good! Don’t think I could afford to buy more clothes right now haha!

The bean this week is a ½ inch long! And my uterus is the size of a softball. The heart is divided into 4 chambers now. It’s also getting webbed toes and fingers this week as well!

This weekend we have a friend’s 60th birthday party to attend. Then Sunday I’m going to go to my sisters and do some pickling for Easter! So it will be a nice weekend.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sniffling and pukeing into week 7

Oh man this is not a good week!!! So between having the flu and feeling so crummy!! I have morning sickness like a beast! And even though I have been pukeing and not keeping much down I have gained weight. Egh.. I'm worried about weighing too much and having preeclampsia or gestational diabetes.

As for the bean it’s the size of a raspberry this week and starting to form leg and arm nubs. It still looks like a manatee. That’s what Carl and I call it.

So I have broken down and taken Tylenol Cold I’m just worried about getting a fever so I keep taking my temp a million times a day!

Carl is still feeling crummy so that is not very positive! Egh…… haha I just want to be done with this I have things to do people to see places to go! haha


Monday, February 16, 2009

Shoot me now!!!!

Well I caught the flu that Carl has had!! Egh...... You know I slept on our blow up matress all week! It would go flat and it was so cold down stairs!! i washed my hands a million times a day! My hands are so dry and now I have this flu! Egh.......

So my throat is sore, headache, and stuffy nose! Last night I broke down and took a Tylonal Cold as per the nurses suggestion. I felt horrible luckily I got some sleep. I work up at 5am dry heaving! Thought I ought to eat something but my throat was so sore!! So I had some yogurt and went back to bed.

Then I puked it all back up! Egh... Sore throat and barf don't mix just incase you wanted to try it out! i do not recomend it!

I hope I get over this super fast!! Egh.....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 6 and batteling the flu....stay back....chop chop

Well poor Carl has the flu! He is super sick! So I have been trying to avoid him at all costs!! Which totally sucks! I miss him and he has been home for the past two days!

I got him all kinds of juice to help him get better! I have been trying to take care of him and stay away from him at the same time.

I have been washing my hands like I have OCD. And after Carl comes out of our room I follow him around with a can of lysol! hahaha.

My blow-up mattress only lasts about 4 hours before it is totally flat and the couch is misrable so my handy dandy blow dryer keeps it inflated.

So fingers crossed and toes crossed that don't catch this crud!

I'm so worried that I will get it and it will cause problems for the baby! So I'm just trying to take it easy and drink up my OJ.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Puking into Week 6......

Well welcome to week six yack…… haha
This morning was my first bought with the morning sickness….fun fun! This weekend I felt pretty nauseated! It has been raining since Thursday so we did not work Friday or today. So we have just been kicking back. I have been trying to sleep a lot so I don’t have to feel so nauseous. I have been trying to eat regularly in hope that will make the nausea go away and up until today it was working. I hope this business does not last too long!
As for the bean this week it’s the size of a kidney bean much bigger than the poppy seed last week….crazy! The heart is beating 160/120 beats per minute. It still looks like a manatee! Haha! I think that’s about it for this week.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Week 5

Well it is week 5 for the little bean. I had a really hard time sleeping over the weekend!!! But it seems to be better now. I have slept clear through the night so that is a plus! I have been trying to nap when I can. I feel a lot better today! Don't have a headache for a change and no cramps! I think those are good signs. Today also marks cycle day 37! This is the longest I have gone without a period naturally. I feel better knowing I made it past 36 days. I'm still very impatient for my Doctor’s appointment! I read that at 5 weeks is when the heart starts beating but it is much too small to hear it yet. That little tid bit of information make me cry! Haha! All in all things are good.

Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm Pregnant.........ahhhhhh!

Well I figure since I'm waiting to tell my friends till we know all is ok, I should post here since I want to keep you two updated.

So as you guys know I got a positive prego test yesterday! Well four actually!! hahaha! I don't think it had really sunk in untill this morning!! I could not sleep at all! I got up at like 4:00am after laying there for an hour. Made a bowl of oat meal and got out the journal Carl bought me forever ago and I have never writen in it. I wrote to my baby told her/him all about the day we found out about there arrival! It was then that it really hit me~

Holy cow I'm Pregnant! I'm trying not to get too excited or carried away but I also don't want to be negative about it!

My Doctors appointment is on the 4th of March! I'm nervous I want to know already that everything is ok!

I told my parents today becasue there was no way I could hold out any longer!! I printed some pictures of the grandkids 4 on one page then the 4 pregnancy tests on the other page! My Dad was so excited! My Mom was too!

So I'm in my 4th week still really early! So I got to wait till the 4th of March to get some reassurance!! 4 weeks to go!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Work, money, and blah......

Well things work wise have been very stressful lately! We have not worked a full month since October. We can get by not working full time but we can't make any head way or do anything extra. But that I can handle! This month we have only gotten paid once! We have worked but the company dosent have any money to pay us. This is really frustrateing!! It would be fine if that was that and the comapny was one for but the issue is that we are suposed to have these MAJOR jobs come through but its a matter of waiting for them to give us check. If that happens we will all be alot better off but in the meantime there are 2 weeks before our bills and rent are due. We have been trying to save fora house but how things are going we won't be able to do that anytime soon. I just hope that things can turn around!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Well I'm really commited to looseing weight this year!! It is VERY important to me! I want to get healthy!!! I can't live my life like this! So Carl and my Dad want to get in shape and loose weight so we are all working out in the morning before work. My Dad has all kinds of work out equipment in his garage. So today was our first day! It was hard to get up so early but I just keep telling my self it will pay off! So we will see how it goes!

Carl is full of energy and truely getting back to his old self agian! Which is great! I think the Lead treatments he is getting are really helping him! It makes me so happy to see him like this! I hope it keeps up!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Well this year I plan to change my life and stick to my resolutions!! I’m going to print them out and stick them on my mirror in the bathroom so I see them every day.

So here it goes…….

1. Get to a healthy weight by 2010 of 130-140. I have lost 16 pounds since this summer but I have 60 to go! And I’m committed to doing it this year. I have been working out almost every day and watching what I’m eating. I know I have had this resolution before but this year I WILL DO IT!!!!!!!

2. Take care of myself. I don’t just want to lose weight I want to feel good. I have had such a crummy few years with my health and I want to get it all under control! I think my weight is a good start but I have to get really healthy!!

3. Keep my house clean!!!! I have been doing a lot better with it but I want to keep it that way and not let it get out of hand!

4. Save for a down payment on a house. We already have some savings but not enough so were going to be scrimping and saving as much as possible so we can own our own home!

5. Get a raise! I have not had one for almost 3 years so I think it’s about time I get one!

6. Complete my first year of collage with good grades!!

So that is the list.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Holidays, New Year, and Updates

I supose I should use this to keep Diana updated as to what were all up to down here in Sothern California, Since she forgot her password on myspace! hahaha! Just Kidding Diana!

So Thanksgiving was alot of the usual we had dinner with my family! It was pretty uneventful!

Christmas was nice we were able to decorate our house thisyear which was a lot of fun! Our friend brought a bunch of lights over for us to use!

I took pictures of our christmas but since I still use "film" have to have them developed so I will post those when ever I get around to that!

Everyone was Sick for Christmas and New Years so that was pretty lame. Carl and I dident even get up at midnight to celebrate! We went to bed at 7pm haha!

Right now work is really SLOW!! So were kind of stressing about that! Hopeing things will pick up soon other wise a change is going to be in order!

I'm excited that I have lost 16 pounds so far and I hope to loose 20 by my birthday! I really want to get healthy and feel good! I'm finishing up my second block of classes at UOP. That's really cool! I'm glad to be working towards something. Classes are going ok just really boreing I'm ready to start the accounting part already you know haha!

Carl is doing good he has been getting treatments for lead posining. Which have been making him feel so much better! He has not been getting head aches like he used to! So that is really wonderful! But the treatments are not covered by insurance! So they are going to be postponed until work picks up. He has been shooting alot at his competitions he really enjoys it. He also has been working on his truck trying to get the body work done on it.

Maddy is good she is sleeping right now! haha

I think thats about it for now. I will try to keep you updated.


