Monday, February 9, 2009

Puking into Week 6......

Well welcome to week six yack…… haha
This morning was my first bought with the morning sickness….fun fun! This weekend I felt pretty nauseated! It has been raining since Thursday so we did not work Friday or today. So we have just been kicking back. I have been trying to sleep a lot so I don’t have to feel so nauseous. I have been trying to eat regularly in hope that will make the nausea go away and up until today it was working. I hope this business does not last too long!
As for the bean this week it’s the size of a kidney bean much bigger than the poppy seed last week….crazy! The heart is beating 160/120 beats per minute. It still looks like a manatee! Haha! I think that’s about it for this week.


  1. If you eat a few crackers or something before you get out of bed, it helps a little bit. Sorry hon, I know the nausea sucks but this too shall pass. Lots of love to all of you!

  2. Thanks, I have been trying the crackers but to no avail! egh... I just want to go home....tear.....

  3. Sorry to hear about the nausea. Hopefully it will not last too much longer and you will start to feel better.
