Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010!!!!


Ok here are my resolutions from 2009…..

1. Get to a healthy weight by 2010 of 130-140. I have lost 16 pounds since this summer but I have 60 to go! And I’m committed to doing it this year. I have been working out almost every day and watching what I’m eating. I know I have had this resolution before but this year I WILL DO IT!!!!!!!
Well I blew this one! Haha! But having a baby kinda knulled this one. However I do weigh less now then I did last year so that is good.

2. Take care of myself. I don’t just want to lose weight I want to feel good. I have had such a crummy few years with my health and I want to get it all under control! I think my weight is a good start but I have to get really healthy!!
I do feel that I have made an effort to get healthier. I eat better now than I did last year and have been trying to work out more.

3. Keep my house clean!!!! I have been doing a lot better with it but I want to keep it that way and not let it get out of hand!
I have accomplished this goal!! My house is usually clean! Sometimes it is a bit messy but not for long!

4. Save for a down payment on a house. We already have some savings but not enough so were going to be scrimping and saving as much as possible so we can own our own home!
Well life completely took a turn this year! We no longer have the money to out a down payment on a house but that’s what happens when you are unemployed, have a baby, and move clear across the country!

5. Get a raise! I have not had one for almost 3 years so I think it’s about time I get one!
Well this failed!! Haha I got a cut in pay now I get paid in drool and poop!

6. Complete my first year of collage with good grades!!
I did good in school I only got one b and that was in my accounting class. So that is great!

So this year’s resolutions are as follows:

1. Get my stomach muscles back into shape. Being stretched so much has really taken the strength out of me! Haha
2. Lose weight (I really can’t wait till this is no longer on my list)
3. Complete my AA!!
4. Step outside myself and meet people who I can be friends with
5. Find time for myself

Well I think that is about it! Happy 2010! I hope this is a better year than 2009 was!!!

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