Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sniffling and pukeing into week 7

Oh man this is not a good week!!! So between having the flu and feeling so crummy!! I have morning sickness like a beast! And even though I have been pukeing and not keeping much down I have gained weight. Egh.. I'm worried about weighing too much and having preeclampsia or gestational diabetes.

As for the bean it’s the size of a raspberry this week and starting to form leg and arm nubs. It still looks like a manatee. That’s what Carl and I call it.

So I have broken down and taken Tylenol Cold I’m just worried about getting a fever so I keep taking my temp a million times a day!

Carl is still feeling crummy so that is not very positive! Egh…… haha I just want to be done with this I have things to do people to see places to go! haha


1 comment:

  1. Oh poor Carl and you!! That is a bummer. Glad your baby is good though. Yea hopefully you guys will not have this much longer.
