Monday, July 12, 2010

Standing into 9 Months!

Today Clover is 9 months old!

This past month I have seen a big change in her language development. She now is trying to emulate words that we say. She says Dada and Mama sometimes. More Dada especially when he comes home! She tries to say all done and it actually sounds pretty close, she can now sign all done though. That is pretty exciting!! I want to continue to work on sign language with Clover. They say that kids can understand words before they can physically say them so signing allows them to tell you what they want with physical movements.

Clover has also started climbing on everything!! We went to the play area at the mall and she climbed up the little slide all on her own. Then last night she climbed over the barricade I have to keep her in the living room. We’re going to have to figure out a new way to keep her corralled. She also has been trying to stand. In the evenings she will practice her standing skills all on her own. It is so much fun to watch her change. She also has been laying down on the floor and playing with toys. It is odd because I have not seen her lay down since she started crawling, unless she is sleeping! Haha! It won’t be long before she is walking around.

This month has been a busy one filled with bowling trips, swimming adventures, movies, and play dates. We have gone bowling a few times with our friends and Clover enjoys all the excitement and commotion. I also took Clover to a free movie this month to try it out and she sat through 30 minutes of the movie before she got restless! She seemed to enjoy it a lot! Her favorite movie is Bolt she recorded it on our DVR all on her own and now I play it for her and she actually sits and watches it. I love it because Maddy also likes the movie so I will find the two of them sitting watching the TV.