Clover has become the mobile little sprite! Everyone kept telling me that I was going to miss the days when she just laid in one spot, and I always rolled my eyes and thought yea right… Well it is more of a pin since I cannot just set her somewhere and know she will stay, but she has become so much more fun! She is really getting a personality. She is still being the biggest Mommy’s girl but the doctor told me to enjoy it because before I know it she will want nothing to do with me. Which I am realizing will be just around the corner. It amazes me how much she has changed and all the things that she can do now. I can’t wait to see what she will do next!!
She got her first solid food on Saturday (well rice mush but still it counts haha). I was so excited and had it all planned out and then it turned out to be very uneventful. She did not really like it and most of it got mashed out of her mouth. However today she finally seemed to like the mush and ate her whole bowl. I can’t wait to start giving her new foods. However, it will probably be like the mush not that cool haha!
Clover and I have spent a lot of time out side on our patio the past week since the weather has been so nice. I wish it was always like that here but I know it won’t last…. We have gone to another Mom’s group meet up and that was really nice. Its good to meet some people who are in the same situation as I am. I hope to make some good friends since my hopes of moving anytime soon are just that hopes haha! I need to embrace my life here in Florida instead of fighting it. The beaches are amazing and there are wonderful parks and things to do so I need to just enjoy those things. We took Clover to the Imaginarim this Sunday, she had a lot of fun. It is exciting that she enjoys those types of things!
My plants are starting to grow really well! I am so proud of myself for getting things to grow! I have little tiny green beans growing. It will be nice to have fresh veggies to eat. I got some zucchini from the tiny farmers market in fishermen’s village. They were so good; I think I am getting old because I love vegetables. Well that is about it……..